I'm not saying I hate them but...

Does anyone actually enjoy group shots which haven't changed for decades? All standing in line staring blank faced at the camera or with a stuck on smile. Waiting around for people to get back from the loo or shouting of them from the bar.

Well I don't, I have been to weddings as a guest where the couple have been standing around for hours getting group photographs and I swore as wedding photographer that would not be my style! The couples really looked miserable by the end and were even more disappointed when they often missed the reception drinks and canapés.

I'm not saying I don't love photographs of groups of people because I do but I prefer them to be candid or relaxed with people showing their true personalities. Relatives will probably hate me for this but I know from my couples they are not the images that they oooh and aaah over, not the ones they print for their home or the ones that they talk about online.

In my experience people want images they can almost feel, Images that transport them back to that special day with all the people they love the most.

What I'm trying to say, probably quite badly is that group shots are not all bad and a sprinkle thrown in for relatives isn't too painful but just trust your photographer to capture the day and the people involved in a more creative way and you might, just might enjoy them.

Also don't come at me with 40 group shots after reading this, it is NOT what weddings are for.

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